Exhibition: Croatian Saints and Blessed People – Civitas Sacra
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Exhibition: Croatian Saints and Blessed People

On Tuesday, November 5, 2019, at the gallery “St. Nikola Tavelić” within the Interpretation Centre ”Civitas Sacra” was opened the exhibition “Croatian Saints and Blessed People”.

It is a thematic exhibition that for ten years, with new authors on the same topic, has been touring Croatian cities every year. Namely, the exhibition was conceived and organized in the Gallery of Croatian Sacred Art “Laudato” from Zagreb in 2009, and concluded in 2018 with a retrospective review of the authors who participated in previous exhibitions.

After ten years, the exhibition continues its life in another organizational formula, but with the same content. Holder of this praiseworthy project – at the invitation of the Association ”Dr. Stjepan Kranjčić” became the Martin Borković Gallery of the National Sanctuary of St. Joseph in Karlovac.

The authors of this year’s exhibition are two academic painters from Selo near Sisak, Ivan Mareković and his daughter Kristina. Both in displaying their chosen motives nurture their own way of shaping, Ivan a measure of expressionist openness, and Kristina emphasized a degree of descriptiveness.

The opening program was led by the president of the ”Association for the Promotion of Famous People of Križevci Stjepan Kranjčić” by Tanja Baran. About the exhibition was talked art critic Stanko Špoljarić, rector of the National Sanctuary of St. Joseph in Karlovac Msgr. Antun Sente, Rector of the National Sanctuary of St. Nikola Tavelić Fr. Ivan Bradarić and the author himself. The exhibition was opened by Bishop of Šibenik Tomislav Rogić.

Admission is free and the exhibition remains open until December 5, 2019.

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